2024 Conference Track Descriptions and Track Chairs
For more information concerning a specific track, please contact the respective track chair.
Accounting, Finance and Economics
Chair: Anna Czegledi, Conestoga College – School of Business, aczegledi@conestogac.on.ca
Co-Chairs: Jan Serrano, Francis Marion University, jserrano@fmarion.edu and Tanveer Shehzad, Lahore University of Management Sciences, tanveer.shehzad@lums.edu.pk
The round-table discussions in our friendly and supportive track welcome cases in all areas of finance, accounting, and economics dealing with decision dilemmas in companies or non-profit organizations in any country around the globe. Preference will be given to decision-focused cases based on primary sources (interviews and field visits). We will also consider decision-focused cases based on secondary sources (i.e., legal proceedings, SEC filings, conference calls, and annual reports). Although cases may be disguised, they must be based on actual events and real people in real organizations. Cases discussed concern large and small entities, including corporate investments, pension funds, mutual funds, commercial and investment banks, and personal finance and general economic issues. Finance cases typically focus on domestic or international topics, such as corporate finance, investments, capital markets, personal finance, banking, and wealth management. Accounting case topics generally focus on financial and managerial accounting, corporate and personal tax, ethics, fraud, and social responsibility issues. Economics cases tend to focus more on macro issues in the domestic and international economies.
Cases Written in Chinese Language
Chair: William X. Wei, Algoma University, weiw@algomau.ca
Co-Chairs: Jingqin Su, China Management Case Centre, Dalian University of Technology, jingqin@dlut.edu.cn and Haibo Hu, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, hbhu@jxufe.edu.cn
The track invites all the cases written in Chinese that present contemporary management topics in China and international context. Issues from all areas are welcome: business innovation, e-commerce, investment, human resource, sustainable development, green economy, marketing, operation strategy, etc.
Cases Written in French
Chair: Christine Kratz, ICN Business School, christine.kratz@icn-artem.com
Co-Chair: Sabrina Hombourger-Barès, École des sciences de l’administration Université TÉLUQ, sabrina.hombourger-bares@teluq.ca
This track gathers all the case studies written in French, dealing with contemporary topics that company managers and national/international organizations have to cope with. Issues from many subjects (marketing/communication, finance, human resources, entrepreneurship, strategy) lead to fruitful exchanges during the conference.
Ce track rassemble toutes les études de cas rédigées en français, qui traitent de problématiques actuelles auxquelles sont confrontés les managers d’entreprises ou plus largement d’organisations dans un cadre national ou international.
Les sujets issus de disciplines très diverses : marketing/communication, finance, ressources humaines, entrepreneuriat, stratégie, … contribuent ainsi à la richesse des échanges lors de la conférence.
Cases Written in Portuguese
Chair: Tania Casado, University of Sao Paulo, tcasado@usp.br
Co-Chair: Erica Berte, Metropolitan State University, erica.berte@metrostate.edu
This track welcomes submissions of cases written in Portuguese about different areas in management, including but not limited to: accounting, careers, digital technologies, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources, innovation, international business, marketing, operations strategy, organizational behavior and sustainability. The objective of this track is to attract participants from Portuguese-speaking countries interested in addressing specific issues and problems related to their countries and cultures. The feedback to the submitted cases will be multidisciplinary, as participants will be from a variety of disciplines. A multidisciplinary approach is an important factor to analyze different aspects of decision-making process, which is the method used in the case analysis.
Este track convida à submissão de casos de ensino em língua portuguesa, abrangendo diversas áreas do conhecimento. Como áreas sugeridas, mas não exaustivas, podem ser citadas: gestão de pessoas e carreiras, comportamento organizacional, empreendedorismo, estratégia, ética, contabilidade, economia, finanças, inovação, gestão socioambiental, internacionalização de empresas, marketing, operações e transformação digital. O objetivo deste track é atrair participantes de países lusófonos, interessados em abordar temas e problemas contemporâneos específicos de seus países de origem. O feedback às submissões será multidisciplinar, uma vez que os participantes neste track serão advindos de diferentes disciplinas. A multidisciplinariedade é um fator importante para analisar diferentes aspectos em processos de tomada de decisão, que é a abordagem típica dos casos de ensino.
Cases Written in Russian
Chair: Aigerim Raimzhanova, Narxoz University, aigerim.raimzhanova@narxoz.kz
Co-Chairs: Mariya Yesseleva-Pionka, Suleyman Demirel University, m.yesseleva-pionka@sdu.edu.kz
The goal of the Russian language track is to promote the case method among the Russian-speaking faculty across various regions. We look forward to discussing cases featuring management practices in various countries where the Russian language is used. One example is the Central Asian countries which represent transitional economies with wide-ranging historical, cultural, and political undercurrents. This implies the formation of unique business environment, which results in unconventional business cases that reflect strategic dilemmas, organizational models, and decision-making processes that could be faced by practitioners in emerging markets. Authors and researchers from all social science fields with a clear business case are invited to submit to this track. The exchange of knowledge and expertise from a diverse pool of regions, backgrounds, and economic structures will enable synergy, multidisciplinary cooperation and capacity building and will greatly enhance the NACRA conference.
Основной целью русского трека NACRA является продвижение case movement- а именно разработки и публикаций кейсов на русском языке. Страны Центральной Азии и постсоветского региона представляют собой уникальное бизнес-пространство, ассоциированное с разнообразными историческими, политическими и культурными аспектами. Это способствует формированию специфических подходов игроками рынка при стратегическом анализе, принятии решений и создании новых организационных моделей. Мы приглашаем авторов и исследователей со всех сфер социальных наук подать заявку на данный трек. Обмен знаниями и опытом учёных из разных регионов и экономических строев подразумевает мультидисциплинарное сотрудничество, синергию и развитие навыков.
Cases Written in Spanish
Chair: Josep Lluís Cano Giner, ESADE joseplluis.cano@esade.edu
Co-Chair: Lorena A. Palacios Chacon, Tecnologico deMonterrey, Mexico lapalaciosch@tec.mx
The main characteristic of the Spanish track is its multidisciplinary nature. Just like other language tracks, the Spanish track receives cases from all the areas (marketing, business strategy, human resources, economy, finance, information technology,…). The feedback is also multidisciplinary, because the professors in this track come from each of the aforementioned disciplines. The result is that this track fosters an excellent environment as it provides experience of an enormous variety of academic and professional backgrounds that help authors to approach proposed cases with a wider vision than the area itself.
El track de casos en español tiene como particularidad principal su enfoque multidisciplinar. A diferencia de la mayoría de los otros tracks, que están centrados en las divisiones empresariales o en las funciones gerenciales, el track de casos en español recibe casos de todas las áreas (marketing, estrategia, recursos humanos, economía, finanzas, sistemas de información….). La retroalimentación es, a su vez, multidisciplinar dado que los profesores que componen el track proceden de cualquier de las disciplinas citadas. Ello convierte a este track es un excelente banco de pruebas porque permite reproducir la enorme variedad de experiencias académicas y profesionales que pueden encontrarse en el aula y así ayudar a completar los casos propuestos con una visión más allá de la propia área.
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Chair: Vijaya Narapareddy, University of Denver, vnarapar@du.edu
Co-Chair: Theresa Coates, Limestone College, coatestheresa@yahoo.com
Recent corporate scandals and ethical lapses have prompted a renewed interest in the subject of corporate governance and ethics. We welcome you to submit your decision-oriented case that deal with the following and other corporate governance and ethics topics.
- Content, process, structure embedded in corporate governance and ethics decisions and issues;
- Corporate and/ or individual behavior in leadership or managers of organizations;
- Balancing the interests of various stakeholder groups, including shareholders, partners, suppliers, employees, community, local governments, customers.
- Issues pertaining to large for-profit organizations, small to medium family businesses, non-profit organizations, NGOs, and social enterprises;
- Cross-cultural dimensions of corporate governance, leadership, and ethics;
- Ethical lapses that pertain to corporate governance.
Digital Technologies and Operations
Chair: Clinton Daniel, University of South Florida, cedanie2@usf.edu
Co-Chair: G. Shankaranarayanan, Babson college, gshankar@babson.edu
This track invites cases in two major fields:
- Digital Technologies focuses on transformation technologies (e.g.: artificial intelligence, mobility, cloud, IOT, blockchain, big data) and its impact on today’s organization. We encourage interdisciplinary research related to how digital technologies can improve operational performance in an organization as well.
- Operations focuses on management of goods and services in an organization. Decision topics include, but are not limited to capacity planning, data analytics, demand forecasting, facility layout, lean systems, logistics, process design, process improvement, project management, quality, supply chain management, purchasing, innovation and scheduling.
Entrepreneurship, Family and Small Business
Chair: Sonia Mehrotra, S.P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, sonia.mehrotra@welingkar.org
Co-chair: Sarah Holtzen, Missouri Southern State University, holtzen-s@mssu.edu
This track is composed of two research streams:
- The first research stream is family business. In the family business stream, we welcome cases focusing on the heterogeneity of family businesses, including differences arising from intergenerational intentions, family ownership / management involvement, and family ownership dispersion. Cases involving the professionalization of family businesses, exit strategies, the internationalization of family firms, and copreneurship issues are also welcome. Family business cases that focus on areas such as knowledge transfer, stakeholder management, environmental and sustainability practices, corporate social performance, financial performance, strategic choices, and innovation are also appropriate for this track.
- The second research stream centers around entrepreneurship and small business management. In this second stream, we welcome cases that exemplify the role of prior knowledge and social ties in entrepreneurial awareness, entrepreneurial intentions, opportunity recognition, and new venture performance. Cases focused on entrepreneurial failure are particularly welcome. We also encourage submissions of cases analyzing entrepreneurship and small business management by members of minority groups including as military service veterans, women, ethnic minority, and immigrant entrepreneurs. Cases based on the Lean LaunchPad or cases with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and small business management education and teaching strategies are ideally suited for this research stream.
Chair: Silvia Cacho Elizondo, IPADE University, s.cacho@ipade.mx
Co-Chair: Michael Goldman, University of San Francisco, mmgoldman@usfca.edu
The Marketing track is focused on understanding, acquiring, retaining, and growing customers within domestic and international markets. We welcome cases set in B2B and B2C contexts, exploring the wide range of possible Marketing learning outcomes. Typical topics include the marketing environment, value creation process, consumer & buyer behavior, product, branding, pricing, channel, and communication strategies & metrics. Given the rapidly changing technology, media, and consumer contexts, we look forward to receiving quality cases exploring emerging digital and social media marketing topics.
International Business
Chair: Grishma Shah, Manhattan College, grishma.shah@manhattan.edu
The International Business track seeks cases exploring a wide range of topics including, but not limited to foreign market entry, international mergers and acquisitions, global strategic alliances, global product adaptation and management, market entry failures and exit strategies as well as cross-cultural management and issues related to the global political economy.
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Chair: Jyotsna Bhatnagar, Management Development Institute, jyotsnab@mdi.ac.in
Co-Chairs: Meredith Woodwark, Wilfred Laurier University, mwoodwark@wlu.ca
There are two research streams for this track:
- First, cases in this track center themselves in the scholarship of organizational behavior. This includes attitudes and perception, emotions and moods, decision-making, personality, motivation, leadership, conflict management, organizational culture, organizational change, group and team dynamics, communication, negotiations, organizational power and politics, diversity, job satisfaction, and stress management.
- Second, cases under the umbrella of human resources include topical materials on human resources laws / regulation, human resource planning, recruitment, selection, performance management, compensation, safety and health, employee and union relations, discipline, training, and development. Cases can incorporate legal and ethical dilemmas as these pertain to the fields of organizational behavior or human resources.
Pedagogy: Developing Case Scholarship in Teaching and Research
Chair: Bruce Thomson, MacEwan University, thomsons2@macewan.ca
Co-Chairs: Anjan Gosh, Suleyman Demirel University, anjan.ghosh@sdu.edu.kz and Shreya Mishra, Birla Institute of Management Technology, shreya.mishra@bimtech.ac.in
As the case method has evolved during the last few decades into short cases, video cases, graphic cases, live cases, and raw cases, apart from the traditional cases, so has the challenges for case authors, teachers, and researchers. These challenges may include struggles in understanding the socio-economic-political-cultural-geographical context of a case, good cases not reaching an audience due to language and contextual issues, cases with interdisciplinary potentials remaining tightly mapped to specific topics, learning outcomes, or fields. Thus, there is opportunity for critical reflection on the practice of case teaching (learning). Either through essay (opinion), proposal (research intention), or article (evidence), authors may contribute insight and solicit peer comments on the effective application of cases in business programs of study.
The case method has also found appreciation in the academic research for theory extension and development. Management theories are extended through rigorous use of case research methods and applying in-depth analysis of a phenomenon in a particular context. Thus, there is opportunity for business theory building-and-checking in real, live contexts through small sample, qualitative case research methods. Either through essay (opinion), proposal (research intention), or article (evidence) authors may contribute insight and solicit peer comments about actual case applications or illustrations of theory.
Social Impact and Sustainability
Chair: Maria A Ballesteros-Sola, California State University Channel Islands, Maria.Ballesteros-Sola@csuci.edu
Participants in this track offer and receive developmental feedback on teaching cases that relate to socially and environmentally responsible organizations, including but not limited to, social entrepreneurship, social impact, social business, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), non-profit organizations, impact investment/ESG, micro-finance/micro-credits, social crowdfunding, social innovation, certified B Corps, and related legal structures such as benefit corporations among others. The cases can be related to any functional area (Marketing, Finance, Accounting, HR, Operations, etc.) and to any vertical industry. We also encourage submissions from different geographical perspectives as NACRA keeps growing its international presence. Feel free to reach out to the Chair if you want to discuss with her if this track is the right fit for your submission.
Start-Up Case Workshop
Chair: Randy Harris, Texas A&M University, Randall.Harris@tamucc.edu Co-chair: Janis Gogan, Bentley University, JGOGAN@bentley.edu
The workshop is appropriate for newer case authors wishing to learn how to develop effective teaching cases and instructor manuals, as well as experienced authors looking for advice on a new case approach. Start-up cases may deal with any topic in an academic discipline where dynamic classroom discussions would be useful. Although most cases presented at NACRA address business functional areas, case ideas are invited and encouraged from other areas and disciples, including education, law, social work, and healthcare administration and policy. Like start-up businesses, these cases are in an early stage of development, similar to research-in-progress papers or posters at many academic conferences. Whereas a typical completed case is 8-10 pages of single-spaced text plus 5 or more pages of exhibits, a start-up case is no longer than 2 pages, single-spaced. Start-up cases must be original work based on real events, real people, and real organizations, and must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere (in journals, books, or online). By submitting a two-page start-up case, you are committing to having at least one author attend the NACRA conference and participate in the start-up case workshop. Workshop authors will also be invited to participate in the roundtable tracks.
Strategy and Policy
Chair: Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles, University of Nebraska Omaha, erinpmiles@unomaha.edu
Co-Chair: Terry McGovern, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, mcgovert@uwp.edu
The Strategy and Policy track is focused on understanding how organizations compete and win in today’s global environment. Cases explore how firms can develop, implement, and evaluate strategies that allow them to achieve superior firm performance and sustain it over the long run. Typical topics include identifying industry environments, recognizing geo-political shifts that impact the strategic direction of organizations, the identification of resources, capabilities and organization structure, the role of the general manager, identification and evaluation of strategic choices, strategy implementation, assessment of organizational performance, managing growth, dealing with competitive threats, managing corporate strategies and structures, and dealing with rapidly evolving situations and environments. The Strategy and Policy track welcomes cases exploring both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations as well as cases set in all geographies.
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